Dem’s calculator: dishonest or stupid?
Posted by Richard on April 15, 2005
The aforementioned Pejman Yousefzadeh points out this fine article about the bogus Social Security "calculator" that, the AFL-CIO, Sen. Harry Reid, and other Dems are promoting.
The short version is this: The "calculator," which purports to show you how much you’ll lose under the Bush plan, uses the absurd assumption that future real returns on equity will average 3%.
To justify this bit of nonsense, the authors simply lied about what the Congressional Budget Office said in its analysis. Either that, or they’re so ignorant about economics, finance, statistics, and math in general that they shouldn’t be allowed to create something that’s got the word "calculator" associated with it.
Dishonest or stupid? Dishonest or stupid? Hmm… I’ll go with the former. Everyone knows which is the evil party and which is the stupid party, right?
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