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Fighting for victory

Posted by Richard on July 17, 2007

Today, a hastily-assembled group of Vets for Freedom volunteers made the rounds on Capitol Hill, urging lawmakers to reject the Reid/Pelosi surrender plan, which the Senate will "debate" tonight in an all-night publicity stunt. It's part of a series of pro-victory efforts that the group originally planned for September, but moved up due to the Democrats' accelerated effort to embrace defeat. If you can spare a few bucks, make a donation, please.

Meanwhile, Move America Forward is moving forward with plans for its September cross-country Fight for Victory Tour, culminating with a large rally in Washington, D.C. on September 15, the day Gen. Petraeus' interim report is due. A donation to help with that project would be nice, too.

A week ago, I cited some of the evidence that the situation in Iraq is improving, despite the Democrat cheerleading for defeat. Since then, Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch and Gen. Peter Pace have argued strongly that the Petraeus plan is working and we must not withdraw. Even such non-friends of the U.S. military as U.N. Secretary-General Ban have voiced concern about the consequences of a precipitous U.S. withdrawal from Iraq.

None of this deters the Democrats, of course, who won't let the possibility of a million dead Iraqis stand in the way of an opportunity to damage the Bush Administration and enhance their 2008 election prospects.

The Dems can count on some of the Republican jellyfish in the Senate, who also have their eyes on 2008, to look at the (media-manipulated) polling data on the war and cave. Stupid Republicans. Opposition to the war is about an inch deep, and will turn around fairly quickly if the Petraeus plan is reasonably successful. The pro-victory base of the party, however, will never forget the cowardice of the weak-kneed wafflers. They can expect primary challenges and fund-raising troubles.

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One Response to “Fighting for victory”

  1. mothanskin said

    RG, I respectfully submit that the Bush Administration has already caused untold and irrepairable damge to the Iraqi people by it’s invasion and occupation of that country. Civil war is inevitable in Iraq whether America withdraws in ten days, ten ten months or ten years! The Shite majority is going to pay back centuries of oppression by the Sunni minority and the post invasion and occupation al-Queda attacks upon the Shite majority. (The al-queda Wahabi jihadists hate Shite Muslims!). Saddam Hussein prevented civil war in his country by decades of brutality and like you said in a previous post, America ‘s military is tied down by very limited “rules of engagement”. The incompetently planned invasion and occupation of Iraq by the Bush Administration is now and forever a defeat, in my opinion, Sir! Let’s cut our losses and damages in Iraq and get out now! (PS, President Bush only keeps Generals who say what he wants them to say. Generals Petraus and Pace are bootlickin’ PR men for the Bush Administration, in my opinion!)

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