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Gun Free Zone

Posted by Richard on July 18, 2007

I generally don't watch TV on Sundays except during football season, so I keep forgetting about the Fox News Channel's 1/2 Hour News Hour on Sunday evenings. Judging from a couple of clips, I've been missing some great stuff. For instance, this past Sunday's show included this marvelous two-minute bit exposing the idiocy of the gun control crowd. (HT: Frank J.)

 Start Your Own "Gun Free Zone"

Some years ago, a Denver community group, Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods, actually distributed buttons that said "I Am Unarmed," and the enlightened, caring liberals of Capitol Hill proudly put them on. Some of us couldn't contain our laughter. As with the clip above, if you don't see the humor, I don't suppose there's any point in explaining.

On a totally different subject, here's another 1/2 Hour News Hour clip that's got to be one of the most devastating put-downs of a public figure ever aired on television. Not so much funny as satisfying.

 Dennis Miller Slams Harry Reid

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One Response to “Gun Free Zone”

  1. Hathor said

    You would think that the sound would be in sync in this digital age.

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