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Funniest Christmas greeting ever

Posted by Richard on December 19, 2007

Besides being bright, articulate, and consistently pro-freedom, John Caldara, the president of Colorado's Independence Institute, is one heck of a funny guy. He's the one who came up with the idea for the most politically incorrect event you can imagine, the annual Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms bash.

This year's Independence Institute Christmas card cracked me up. The front shows a snowman and snow-woman in Hawaiian shirts on a beach. The message inside is: 

Promoting global climate change
by wishing you the warmest holiday wishes.
And may your carbon footprint grow in 2008.

Merry Christmas from your
Freedom Fighters at the Independence Institute


I'm guessing either Caldara came up with that, or his wicked sense of humor has rubbed off on those around him. And I love having someone wish me a bigger carbon footprint — what a nice thought!

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