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Awesome Thompson video

Posted by Richard on December 19, 2007

Glenn Reynolds said of this Fred Thompson video, "If he's got the guts to run this in Iowa and New Hampshire, he's got my vote . . . ." John Hawkins at Right Wing News (who put this together from IMAO's "Fred Thompson facts") thinks airing this constantly in Iowa would either assure Thompson of victory "…or he would actually drop into last place. One or the other."

I think Hawkins is right — running this as an ad would be a gamble, but it just might pay off big. Anyway, its fun. The concept is derivative of the various Chuck Norris jokes, but it's nicely done. I especially like this line: "In the Fred Thompson administration, there will be no need for the leaders of terrorist states to visit Ground Zero; Ground Zero will be wherever they live."

 Oh yeah — if you like this video, you might want to check out IMAO's matching T-shirt.

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