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Ground Zero to host “blame America” monument

Posted by Richard on June 9, 2005

Go right now and read Michelle Malkin’s column about the World Trade Center Memorial. Better yet, read Debra Burlingame’s Wall Street Journal column that Malkin references. Read about how the left is hijacking the Ground Zero memorial to promote anti-Americanism and left-wing activism and to focus attention away from what happened at that site (emphasis added):

The public will be confused at first, and then feel hoodwinked and betrayed. Where, they will ask, do we go to see the September 11 Memorial? The World Trade Center Memorial Foundation will have erected a building whose only connection to September 11 is a strained, intellectual one. … Most of the cherished objects which were salvaged from Ground Zero in those first traumatic months will never return to the site. There is simply no room. But the International Freedom Center will have ample space to present us with exhibits about Chinese dissidents and Chilean refugees. …

More disturbing, the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. is handing over millions of federal dollars and the keys to that building to some of the very same people who consider the post-9/11 provisions of the Patriot Act more dangerous than the terrorists that they were enacted to apprehend — people whose inflammatory claims of a deliberate torture policy at Guantanamo Bay are undermining this country’s efforts to foster freedom elsewhere in the world.
In fact, the IFC’s list of those who are shaping or influencing the content and programming for their Ground Zero exhibit includes a Who’s Who of the human rights, Guantanamo-obsessed world:

 Michael Posner, executive director at Human Rights First who is leading the world-wide "Stop Torture Now" campaign focused entirely on the U.S. military. He has stated that Mr. Rumsfeld’s refusal to resign in the wake of the Abu Ghraib scandal is "irresponsible and dishonorable."
 Anthony Romero, executive director of the ACLU, who is pushing IFC organizers for exhibits that showcase how civil liberties in this country have been curtailed since September 11.
 Eric Foner, radical-left history professor at Columbia University who, even as the bodies were being pulled out of a smoldering Ground Zero, wrote, "I’m not sure which is more frightening: the horror that engulfed New York City or the apocalyptic rhetoric emanating daily from the White House." This is the same man who participated in a "teach-in" at Columbia to protest the Iraq war, during which a colleague exhorted students with, "The only true heroes are those who find ways to defeat the U.S. military," and called for "a million Mogadishus." The IFC website has posted Mr. Foner’s statement warning that future discussions should not be "overwhelmed" by the IFC’s location at the World Trade Center site itself.
 George Soros, billionaire founder of Open Society Institute, the nonprofit foundation that helps fund Human Rights First and is an early contributor to the IFC. Mr. Soros has stated that the pictures of Abu Ghraib "hit us the same way as the terrorist attack itself."

Think about this: Future visitors to Ground Zero, who come to remember the fallen and honor the heroes of 9/11/01, will have difficulty finding any remembrances of that day. Instead, they’ll find exhibits, lectures, and symposia promoting internationalism, multiculturalism, and moral relativism, painting America as the locus of evil in the world, and recruiting people into left-wing activist organizations.

If that disturbs you, visit the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation’s Memorial Comments page and tell them what you think.

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