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Happy New Year 2015!

Posted by Richard on January 1, 2015

FireworksWelcome to 2015. It has to be better than 2014, doesn’t it? Doesn’t it?

In 2015, I resolve to drink less and blog more. Also, get more exercise. And eat healthier.

I figure if I bat .250, I’ll be doing OK.

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2 Responses to “Happy New Year 2015!”

  1. TVB said

    Hey Richard,

    Where have you been? I haven’t seen you on the Framers list in like a gazillion years and your Polycom email has bounced back. Hope all is well with you.

    Tammy VB

    • Richard said

      Hi, Tammy! I was laid off at the end of September, 2013. I’d tell you why I think it happened, but that would be a violation of the agreement I signed to get my severance package (a pretty generous one, really). I regret that I didn’t say goodbye to FrameUsers and Techwr-l lists, but I was a bit preoccupied at the time.

      I couldn’t motivate myself into doing a proper job search, so I decided to just retire. It was fun for a while, but now I’m starting to get a little bored. I’m well off enough that I don’t have to work, but it’s not like I could buy a yacht and travel the world. :-}

      If I end up going back to work (still just thinking about it), I imagine I’ll jump back on those lists.

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