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Happy New Year 2017!

Posted by Richard on January 1, 2017


Happy New Year! I can’t believe that at my advanced age I’ve made it past midnight. I owe it all to immoderate quantities of The Glenlivet and several wonderful interactions on my porch with the feral cat I’ve been befriending, whom I’ve named Bibi (and who now comes when I call her name).

Five months ago, Bibi wouldn’t let me get within 8 or 10 feet of her. Tonight, as I crouched down to give her a treat, she hopped up on my leg. Later, as I sat on the porch step sipping Glenlivet, she almost climbed into my lap to get a sniff of it. She rubbed up against my legs and the back of my hands on several occasions. I think we’ve made remarkable progress in our relationship, and it portends a wonderful 2017.

I hope you too have reason to believe that things got better during 2016 (hey, at least we avoided letting the Clinton crime family have another shot at the White House). And I hope that 2017 promises to be even better for you, as it does for me.

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