Combs Spouts Off

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Hello, world!

Posted by Richard on April 12, 2005

Hi, I’m Richard G. Combs. I’m a technical writer in Denver, CO. Divorced and forty-mumble-teen years old. Opinionated as all get-out.

Politically, I’m a libertarian, and in the past, I’ve been quite active in the LP as an activist, candidate, chapter chair, and state board member. But unlike the LP leadership (and maybe most of the membership), I:

  • Don’t believe that Osama and friends would leave us alone if we just minded our own business and let them kill Jews.
  • Do believe that, whether we like it or not, we’re engaged in a war. That war was started by an Islamofascist movement as bent on world domination as the Nazis and Communists — and in some ways, more dangerous.

I suppose that makes me something of a "neolibertarian" or "imperialist libertarian" — although I don’t entirely agree with the latter group’s foreign policy goals. 

I think the US gov’t has the right to act against what Donovan calls "arbitrary states," but it doesn’t have an obligation to "enforce the basic rights of every individual on the planet" — only those of Americans. If we act against a tyrannical state, as in Iraq, to the benefit of the citizens of that state, as in Iraq, it must be primarily because our own long-term interests are at stake, as in Iraq.

I’m sure I’ll be revisiting this issue…

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