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Posted by Richard on August 16, 2007

Let me see if I've got this right: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the smartest woman in the world, the architect of a comprehensive plan to federally micromanage the entire health care system of the United States, and the daughter-in-law of a registered nurse, followed a nurse around "to see what a nurse does"? Yep, that's the story (emphasis added):

HENDERSON, Nev. – Except for the presidential candidate, newspaper reporters, TV crew and Secret Service agents tracking her every step, it was just another day on the job Monday for Michelle Estrada at St. Rose Dominican Hospital.

The nurse's 12-hour shift at the hospital's Siena campus started as usual at 7 a.m. but at mid-afternoon Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived. The New York senator spent more than two hours shadowing Estrada in the fourth-floor medical/surgical ward before heading to Estrada's home for dinner with her and her three children.
"I'm following Michelle around today to see what a nurse does," Clinton explained to the patient in Room 471.

Jeez, we're still a year from the nominating conventions and it's already necessary to recalibrate the irony meter. 

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