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I forgot about Earth Hour!

Posted by Richard on March 28, 2010

Aw, jeez, I completely forgot that Earth Hour was tonight! From 8:30 to 9:30 PM, Gaia-worshipping idiots around the world who think the planet would be better off if the Industrial Revolution had never occurred turned off their lights "to reduce energy consumption and draw attention to the dangers of climate change."

As I have in the past, I'd intended to counter this anti-technology, anti-reason, anti-modernity, and anti-human nonsense by turning on every light and electrical device in the house. But I spaced it out. So I only had on the usual lights, two computers, big-screen HDTV, satellite receiver, 6.1 audio system, and assorted small electronic devices. Damn! I could have done so much more!

Well, maybe I'll just leave some lights on overnight to compensate for my earlier slacking. And I'm sure there'll be another Carbon Belch Day this June, and I can celebrate by maximizing my carbon footprint then. 

As I've said before, "My ancestors didn't survive the Black Plague and Dark Ages, create the Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution, and bring about the past two hundred years of astonishing scientific and technological progress so that we could huddle in the dark." 

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