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I survived the day after Blogger Bash

Posted by Richard on August 30, 2008

RMBB5000Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 5000, the Donkeys Over Denver edition, was a smashing success. Congrats and thanks to Mr. Lady and Zombyboy for putting together a fantastic event. Thanks to,, and for their sponsorship (which means buying us drinks and food). And thanks to Trios Enoteca for treating us so well and being such a great venue.

It was almost 2 AM and most of the chairs were up on the tables when Off Colfax and I stumbled out of there and up the 16th Street Mall, he heading for the #15 bus and I for the light rail. The 2 AM train was standing room only!

So here's where the one big negative about RMBB 5000 reared its ugly head: to fit the DNCC schedule, it was on a Thursday. That meant going to work in the morning. Later the same morning, that is. 

It was about 3:30 when I hit the sack, wisely deciding against the usual 6 AM alarm. Even the 7 AM alarm required three or four swipes at the snooze button. Thanks to Life Extension Foundation's Anti-Alcohol Antioxidants, I was spared a hangover. (Have I mentioned what a great product that is, and what a fine organization LEF is?) But I'm just way too old to get by on less than four hours' sleep. 

So the workday kind of sucked. And when I got home this evening, a three-hour nap seemed like a great substitute for supper. 

(Oh, yeah — Obama gave a great speech. The substantive policy content totally sucked, but he sure did deliver it! And the many out-of-town lefty bloggers in attendance practically orgasmed right there on the back room floor.)

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