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ID required

Posted by Richard on August 15, 2008

The Obama campaign began notifying people this afternoon that they've been granted tickets to the August 28th Invesco Field coronation. But the lucky recipients still have to appear in person and prove their identity (emphasis added):

The first Coloradans to be notified were contacted Thursday afternoon. Everyone getting a ticket will be notified by Friday night, the Obama campaign said.

Tickets must be picked up in person on Saturday or Sunday at one of 13 Obama campaign offices across the state. Those picking up a ticket must show a photo ID then activate their ticket online, by phone or in person by Aug. 19.

That strikes me as pretty funny. These are the same liberal progressive community-organizer types who've fought tooth and nail for years against requiring voters to present IDs. They're the same people who denounce every attempt to fight vote fraud — the kind facilitated by all the fake registered voters created by ACORN, the far-left activist group for which Obama worked — as voter intimidation, discrimination, and the chilling of political expression. 

More audacity of arrogance. More leftist self-righteousness. The standards that they want to apply to everyone else don't apply to them. Because, after all, they're noble and good and have only the best of intentions. They can do whatever they want because they're doing it to make this a better world!

BTW, the campaign still insists that there was no extortion or pressure to volunteer, and that tickets were awarded in a completely fair manner:

The campaign is standing by its original statement. It said all requests for credentials are being honored in the order they were received.

A number of commenters here tell a different story. The people who signed up within minutes of the announcement and were wait-listed have a reasonable suspicion that they got screwed. But the poor saps who actually completed their volunteer work and still got wait-listed — well, they've really been played for fools.

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