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If Sen. Graham has nothing to hide…

Posted by Richard on June 22, 2013

Blowing off the 4th Amendment, Senator Lindsey Graham (OR-SC) has defended the Obama administration’s increasingly powerful surveillance state and specifically NSA’s Prism program, arguing that if we have nothing to hide, it shouldn’t bother us that our email is being monitored. FreedomWorks is challenging Sen. Graham to “lead by example.” They’re collecting signatures on a petition requesting that the Senator release his email password. Go to right now and sign. It only takes a few seconds. It costs nothing. And haven’t you always wanted to read Lindsey Graham’s email?

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2 Responses to “If Sen. Graham has nothing to hide…”

  1. Rick said

    Why don’t we take this a step further and ask the Senator himself for his password.

    Can’t hurt to give it a try. At the very least it’ll give the good Senator’s mail server a workout I’m sure it hasn’t seen in a while:

  2. Rick said

    Sorry wrong email address: Senator PRISM Uh, Graham I mean is

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