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Innocents died while Amnesty lied

Posted by Richard on June 2, 2005

Publius Pundit offers a way to put the incessant America-bashing by Amnesty International and its friends in the media into perspective:

Anyhow, I received an email with a really good idea: Go to Google News and search for stories about “human rights abuses xxx” where xxx is the name of a country. Let’s see the results as of this moment.

United States: 2,740
Iran: 374
China: 824
Sudan: 400
Zimbabwe: 265
Belarus: 39
Russia: 483
Burma: 68
Saudi Arabia: 142
Nepal: 232
Syria: 90
Cuba: 1,330 — because that’s where Guantanamo is.

So while the press covered 2,740 stories on American “human rights abuses,” it only covered with 2,917 stories combined those of some of the most degenerate regimes on the planet. Where, exactly, do the priorities of Amnesty International and the mainstream press lie?

Actually, the American total should be the US 2,740 plus the vast majority of the Cuba 1,330. But what’s a thousand more or less?

I’d like to suggest another question to ponder: How many prisoners of conscience, victims of genocide, and other terrorized, tortured, abused, and murdered innocents have been praying for someone to speak out on their behalf while Amnesty Indefensible and its friends in the media have focused all their attention on whether murderous jihadist thugs were being made uncomfortable or their Korans were being handled respectfully enough?

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