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Iraqis make history

Posted by Richard on December 15, 2005

Today, Iraq became the first constitutional republic in the Arab world.

Pay attention — this is important:

Today, Iraq became the first constitutional republic in the Arab world.

Iraqi woman with purple finger and tear in her eye 

Full disclosure: The photo above isn’t from today’s election of a permanent government. It’s from the election of an interim government last January, and was posted by Ken Blanchard at the South Dakota Politics blog on January 31. Blanchard doesn’t cite a source.

In the course of the three rounds of Iraqi voting this year, I’ve seen a lot of moving election-related photos, but none to match this one. Simply stunning. I’ve looked at it more than a dozen times, and every time I see that tear in her eye, I get choked up.

From the sublime to the ridiculous: This is the kind of crappy picture you get when you mix red and blue magic marker to simulate purple and then point the camera at yourself. On-camera flash at close distances is pretty awful, but I just had to show my support for the brave people of Iraq — and the brave Americans who made this day possible!

Richard with purplish finger

For more (and better) pictures of people showing their solidarity with free Iraqis, visit

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