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Jihad in Chattanooga

Posted by Richard on July 17, 2015

The gunman who attacked a recruiting station and a Naval and Marine Corps facility in Chattanooga, TN, killing four Marines before being killed himself, was identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazee. He was a naturalized American citizen, born in Kuwait, who came to the US as a child with his parents. The Washington Post described them as “a conservative Muslim family,” and his father was at one time investigated by the FBI for ties to a terrorist organization.

But never mind that. The President described Abdulazee as a “lone gunman” and the FBI is investigating it as “domestic terrorism.” That’s the phrase they use when there’s believed to be no connection to an international terrorist organization like al Qaeda or ISIS. It’s apparently the policy of the Obama administration to never utter the words “Islamic terrorism,” “jihad,” or anything like that.

Well, I will. Abdulazee’s “lone jihad” was a textbook example of exactly the kind of attack that ISIS has been urging its followers in the West to carry out. He may have acted alone, but he was acting under direction of, in support of, and in furtherance of the mission of ISIS and the Islamofascist movement to destroy Western Civilization and impose political Islam across the globe.

But the head-in-the-sand attitude of our leadership isn’t what made me really angry about this incident. What made me really angry was seeing this Fox News image of the recruiting center entrance:


Notice the “gun-free zone” sign on the door amidst all the bullet holes. “I don’t understand,” say what Rush calls the new castrati, “why didn’t the sign work?” The sign worked fine; what it really says is “everyone inside is unarmed and helpless.” Heck, Abdulazee shot up the recruiting center from his car outside, so he didn’t even violate the “gun-free zone” rule.

After that, Abdulazee drove seven miles to the Navy Operational Support Center and Marine Corps Reserve Center, where he killed four unarmed Marines. During that drive, he was being pursued by police, and they apparently are the ones who shot him. The Marines and sailors at the facility couldn’t have, because they too were unarmed.

Throughout the United States, all the military personnel who’ve been trained at great expense to expertly handle various weapons and fight valiantly in defense of themselves, their buddies, and their country, are disarmed and defenseless. Despite the fact that we’ve had several jihad attacks (not “workplace violence”) at military installations, and despite the fact that ISIS is explicitly urging its followers to perpetrate more such attacks.

Damn it, stop this gun control in the military nonsense! Arm our armed forces!

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One Response to “Jihad in Chattanooga”

  1. Rick Shultz said

    Maybe this will finally start to convince people that what I’ve said for a long time now is really true. There is NO SUCH THING as a “Moderate” Muslim. Every last one of them is a bomb just waiting to explode. I’ve known and worked with quite a few of them and I have never trusted ONE of them and I never will. Maybe some of the higher-ups will let military personnel go armed now but I doubt it. I don’t think there is a politician in this government that has even that much sense. If it were left up to me, this entire country would be on a constitutional carry basis. As long as you don’t have a felony record, you would be allowed to carry a handgun openly or concealed, whichever suits you. I can’t think of a single thing that would strike fear into the hearts of criminals and terrorists more than the knowledge that practically every adult they run into is armed and ready to defend himself.

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