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Joe Walsh: This year’s different

Posted by Richard on October 9, 2010

I've been a fan of Joe Walsh the musician for many years. Now I've become a fan of Joe Walsh the congressional candidate. He's running against incumbent Melissa Bean in Illinois' 8th District, and he's got one of the most effective one-minute videos I've seen in a while. I hope he's putting this message in ads, and not just on YouTube.

[YouTube link]

The race is a dead heat (41-41), according to the most recent polling. Polling firm We Ask America has moved the contest from the "probable Democrat" category to "too close to call." 

Check out Joe Walsh's political philosophy and his six-point pledge:

  1. I will not serve more than 3 terms in the House (6 years), if so privileged.
  2. I will not receive any health plans or retirement benefits that only congressmen get and that aren’t available to all Americans.
  3. I will not vote for any legislation which increases the size of government or isn’t supported by the Constitution.
  4. I will never add an earmark to any bill.
  5. I will always speak my mind and tell my constituents the truth.
  6. I will always be accessible to my constituents and hold town halls on a regular basis, in good times or bad

If you're in that part of Illinois (northwest of Chicago), lend this man a hand. Wherever you are, consider making a donation to his campaign. I did.

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One Response to “Joe Walsh: This year’s different”

  1. Rick Shultz said

    I wish Joe all the luck in the world on this venture. Joe has gotten much more mellow and calm than he used to be. And I

    suspect that he’s not the only politician who’s ever gotten smashed and torn up a hotel room anyway:=) And I definately

    like his platform. If I could be tempted into participating in what Thoreau called “gaming with a moral twinge” I might even

    vote for him. If I can spare anything after paying the bills this month I may try to help him out myself. :=)

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