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Marketing genius

Posted by Richard on February 22, 2014

Here’s an example of entrepreneurship at its finest:

Looking to drum up some new business, 13-year-old Girl Scout Danielle Lei and her mom set out for a San Francisco medical marijuana clinic on Monday, armed with boxes of Tagalongs, Dulce de Leches and other cookie varieties she and other scouts sell annually.

Any patients at The Green Cross with the munchies didn’t stand a chance. In two hours on President’s Day, Danielle sold 117 boxes outside the clinic — people gobbled up all her Dulce de Leches and blazed through the Tagalongs. According to her mother, Carol, that’s 37 more boxes than what she sold during the same two-hour period outside a small Safeway the next day.


The Green Cross was on board as soon as Carol called to ask for permission to sell cookies outside, and employees at the clinic bought plenty of cookies themselves, too.

“It’s no secret that cannabis is a powerful appetite stimulant, so we knew this would be a very beneficial endeavor for the girls,” Holli Bert, a staff member at The Green Cross, told Mashable in an email. “It’s all about location, and what better place to sell Girl Scout cookies than outside a medical cannabis collective?”

The Green Cross dispensary posted this on their Facebook page:


The Girl Scouts organization in California apparently has no problem with selling cookies in front of pot shops. The Colorado Girl Scouts organization, on the other hand, is a lot more uptight:

The photo circulating of Colo Girl Scouts selling Girl Scout Cookies in front of a marijuana shop is a hoax.

— Girl Scouts of Colo. (@GSColo) February 12, 2014

Consistent with our policy for many years now, @GSColo doesn’t allow girls to sell cookies outside of any adult-oriented business…

— Girl Scouts of Colo. (@GSColo) February 21, 2014

 …this includes bars, strip clubs, casinos, liquor stores or marijuana dispensaries.

— Girl Scouts of Colo. (@GSColo) February 21, 2014

…We recognize these are legitimate businesses, but we don’t feel they are an appropriate place for girls to be selling cookies in Colo.

— Girl Scouts of Colo. (@GSColo) February 21, 2014

What a buzz-kill. :-;

There are, however, ways for an enterprising Girl Scout to get around this narrow-minded restriction. For instance, the Evergreen Apothecary, a popular pot shop on South Broadway a few blocks from my house, is adjacent to an insurance agency (see the street view at this Google map). It might be possible to get permission to sell cookies in front of their office. And I’m sure the Girl Scouts organization has nothing against insurance agencies. Just an idea…

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