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Missed opportunities, part 2

Posted by Richard on October 22, 2012

OK, one more missed opportunity. Earlier this month, the chief imam of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, Supreme Guide Mohammed Badie, called on Muslims worldwide to wage jihad against Israel and liberate Jerusalem. The Simon Wiesenthal Center denounced Badie and called on the Obama administration to distance itself from the Muslim Brotherhood.

Earlier today, responding to Egyptian President Morsi’s apparent endorsement of a “destroy the Jews” prayer, the Wiesenthal Center reiterated its call for the Obama administration to act:

The Simon Wiesenthal Center on Monday reiterated its call to US President Barack Obama to sever ties with the Muslim Brotherhood after Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi attended a prayer service during which an Islamic cleric called for the Jews to be destroyed.

According to the Center, Egypt’s Channel 1 broadcast cleric Futouh Abd Al-Nabi Mansour’s sermon in which he prayed: “Oh Allah, destroy the Jews and their supporters. Oh Allah, disperse them, rend them as under. Oh Allah, demonstrate Your might and greatness upon them.”

Romney should have brought up the Wiesenthal Center’s demand and asked Obama point-blank, “Have you responded in any way to the Wiesenthal Center’s demands? Will you suspend aid to Egypt and support for its Muslim Brotherhood government until that government renounces the views of Mohammed Badie and Futouh Abd Al-Nabi Mansour, acknowledges the right of Israel to exist, and reaffirms its commitment to the peace treaty with Israel? Because if I were President today, that’s what I would do.”

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