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More whining about too many choices

Posted by Richard on June 14, 2005

Way back on April 20th, I blogged about the "too many choices" crowd and recommended a TCS column on the topic:

If "libertarian paternalism" strikes you as one of the most moronic (both the regular and oxy kind) phrases you’ve ever seen, you won’t be surprised to learn that it’s being promoted by some leftist busybodies who think that we’re suffering from too many choices and that the government ought to do us a favor and limit our choices more.

If you can stand to learn more about these horse’s asses, check out the sound thumping that Pejman Yousefzadeh applies in his new TCS column, Choice and Its Enemies.

Well, despite Pejman’s thumping, the anti-choice whiners are still at it. Radley Balko points out a guest column by Stacy Schiff in the NY Times (log in with BugMeNot) decrying niche marketing and too many choices. Balko reminds us that he, too, tackled this topic at TCS back on April 22nd. His analysis is succinct and bears repeating:

I’ll say it again: Critics of capitalism once predicted that free markets would wreak mass starvation, depletion of resources, pollution, and death.

They’re now reduced to bitching about too many flavors of mustard.

We’ve won the debate.

BTW, there’s one really positive bit of news in that NY Times column. It’s at the bottom, where we’re informed why Stacy Schiff is a guest columnist: 

 Maureen Dowd is on book leave.

Suggestions for lengthening Dowd’s "book leave" are most welcome.

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