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Name that B-movie

Posted by Richard on December 9, 2005

Sometimes when you’re flipping around channels, you run across a timeless classic. Other times, it’s just a line so awesome that it sounds like it should be from a timeless classic.

Name that movie: "OK, he’s a virgin. A convicted murderer virgin without a driver’s license. Why do I find that sexy?" 

If you want an invitation-only Gmail account, send your best guess to rgcombs AT gmail DOT com. You don’t have to be right; I’ll probably send you a Gmail invitation anyway, unless you piss me off. πŸ™‚

If you don’t need or want a Gmail invite, post your answer here instead. Or post it here also, if you want both the Gmail invite and public recognition. πŸ˜‰

Tell us the year and the star who utters the line for (utterly useless) extra points credit.

UPDATE: The answer is posted here.

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2 Responses to “Name that B-movie”

  1. VRB said

    I am very curious. When will you let us know?

  2. Anonymous said

    Soon. Real soon. Prey, be patient. (hint, hint)

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