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News flash! Lobbyist buys Democrat votes, too!

Posted by Richard on May 13, 2005

Here’s a first: a NY Time story (log in with BugMeNot) about arch-villain/lobbyist/influence-peddler Jack Abramoff that doesn’t mention Tom DeLay in the first paragraph:

WASHINGTON, May 12 – A federal grand jury has subpoenaed the files of a former executive director of the Democratic National Committee and another Democratic political consultant in a criminal investigation of Jack Abramoff, the Washington lobbyist at the center of corruption and influence-peddling inquiries by the Justice Department and Congress, the consultants say.

In fact, DeLay only comes up in paragraph 7:

The subpoena to Mr. Lunde and Mr. Burger is a reminder that Mr. Abramoff – although best known for his ties to powerful Republicans, especially the House majority leader, Tom DeLay of Texas – also sought help from Democrats on behalf of his lobbying clients. 

It’s a reminder I’m surprised got past the editor. It’s a reminder that’s only necessary because the Times and its MSM cohorts have done their best to play up the "ties to powerful Republicans" and ignore or play down all the evidence of comparable relationships with Democrats — thus ensuring that Abramoff is "best known" for the former.

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