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Obama skipped today’s national security meeting on Ukraine

Posted by Richard on March 1, 2014

This news is causing a lot of reaction across the interwebs:

WASHINGTON — President Obama had no public events on his schedule today, yet skipped a meeting of his national security team at the White House today as they huddled over the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Seen leaving the meeting at the White House were Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper,  Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey, and CIA Director John Brennan.

Vice President Joe Biden reportedly joined the meeting via videoconference, while Obama was briefed later by National Security Advisor Susan Rice.

No biggie. Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett will tell him what to do and say. As usual.

Besides, they were just talking about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, not any of the really important national security concerns — like obesity, climate change, and an obstructionist Congress.

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3 Responses to “Obama skipped today’s national security meeting on Ukraine”

  1. Rick Shultz said

    Nice one Richard. I could never do sarcasm like you. One question though. Don’t you ever wonder where the Hell Obozo GOES when he hooks these meetings? And where his staff goes when they just get up and LEAVE in the middle of one? I can’t help wondering WTF they’re doing. If it’s as ridiculous as what they say and do in public, maybe I should be saving up to hire somebody with a backhoe to dig me a bomb shelter. Not, of course, that it would do me any real good considering the juicy targets I live close to. Oh well…Sayanora for now.

  2. Randolph Allen said

    Much as it would be fun to punish Putin, who obviously thinks he is a latter-day tsar (note the Imperial Double Eagle symbols emblazoned on the Russian hockey team uniforms at the Sochi Olympics), THIS is really none of our business! Catherine the Great established the beginnings of the Sevastopol naval base on the Black Sea during her reign. Later, the Russians lost the Crimean War against a European coalition 70 or so years later, under Catherine’s great-grandson, Alexander II. It was all about buffers then, just as it is now. We have no business whatsoever playing Putin’s game. Remember Animal House- Putin is playing the role of Blutarsky! And note the rich irony of the so-called “Winter Soldier” negotiating for the United States, Kerry. There are no good guys here. Let’s stay out of there so when Castro finally dies and the Cuban counter-revolutionaries finally rise up and kill several thousand “useful idiots” attending Castro’s funeral, we can legitimately tell the rest of the world to stay out of our sphere of influence also!


  3. Richard said

    Randy, first of all, I agree we should stay out of there — I wasn’t suggesting that we should mount a military response. But the rebuilding of the Soviet empire by brute force and the subjugation of freedom-seeking people are legitimate areas of concern that we can and should say and do something about.

    What the President says and does might be taken a bit more seriously if he had shown just a modicum of interest in what was happening in Ukraine and what the national security team members thought. I mean, it’s his job.

    As for that “sphere of influence” nonsense, you sound like you’re channeling Henry Kissinger! It’s our right, and to some degree our duty, to stand up and speak out for liberty. We don’t need no stinkin’ sphere of influence to justify it, and no sphere of influence should deter us from doing so.

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