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Padilla guilty

Posted by Richard on August 16, 2007

Jose Padilla will spend the rest of his life in jail:

Padilla and co-defendants Adham Amin Hassoun and Kifah Wael Jayyousi face life in prison because they were convicted of conspiracy to murder, kidnap and maim people overseas. All three were also convicted of two terrorism material support counts that carry potential 15-year sentences each.

Click here to read the indictment (FindLaw pdf).

Jurors reached a verdict Thursday and it was read at 2 p.m. before U.S. District Judge Marcia Cooke. The jury of seven men and five women deliberated for about a day and a half following a three-month trial.

Over at Daily Kos, the commenters are weeping for poor Jose, expressing disbelief at the quick verdict, and denouncing his detention and prosecution as reprehensible. The consensus seems to be that he was tortured until he went insane. They're ignoring the evidence that his mental state predates his apprehension. And they're confusing a commitment to Islamofascism with insanity — an understandable error.


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