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Palestinian madness

Posted by Richard on July 17, 2006

Two recent columns about the Palestinian situation are must-reads. David Horowitz, in his FrontPageMagazine column, began with a bit of hyperbole (but you can’t blame a guy for slamming the Euroweenies and UN), pulled no punches in describing the insane and dysfunctional nature of Israel’s enemies, and proposed a drastic, but humane, solution:

Americans need to take a hard look at what is going on in the Middle East, because it provides the clearest picture possible of the war we are in. On one side are al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hizbollah, Syria and Iran and their allies: Russia, France, Greece, and the UN majority. On the other is the only democracy in the land of Muslim and Arab terror. The origins of this front in the war on terror are crystal clear: the desire of the Muslim terrorists — the elected majority among Palestinian Arabs and the occupying Shi’ite army in Lebanon, backed by Syria and Iran — to destroy Israel and push the Jews into the sea.

The war reveals the impossibility of a Palestinian state and the necessity of a civilized occupying force in a region that is populated by a people who have been terminally brainwashed into an ideology of hate, which makes their self-government a crime waiting to happen.

By all means, go read the rest.

Milder and gentler, but in some ways even more striking, is Youssef M. Ibrahim’s To my Arab brethren, an open letter to the Palestinians:

Dear friends, you and your leaders have wasted three generations trying to fight for Palestine, but the truth is the Palestine you could have had in 1948 is much bigger than the one you could have had in 1967, which in turn is much bigger than what you may have to settle for now or in another 10 years. Struggle means less land and more misery and utter loneliness.

… You fire ridiculously inept Kassam rockets that cause little destruction and delude yourselves into thinking this is a war of liberation. Your government, your social institutions, your schools, and your economy are all in ruins.

Your young people are growing up illiterate, ill, and bent on rites of death and suicide, while you, in effect, are living on the kindness of foreigners, including America and the United Nations. Every day your officials must beg for your daily bread, dependent on relief trucks that carry food and medicine into the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, while your criminal Muslim fundamentalist Hamas government continues to fan the flames of a war it can neither fight nor hope to win.

This one, too, deserves to be read in full. In fact, it ought to be printed up in Arabic on millions of flyers and air-dropped over every Palestinian town, village, and 60-year-old "refugee camp."

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