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Patients First health care rallies

Posted by Richard on July 26, 2009

The Independence Institute and Americans for Prosperity are co-sponsoring health care rallies in Denver and Colorado Springs next week. Here's the info:

Rally for Real Health Care Reform

Do you want bureaucrats and politicians making your health care decisions?

Make sure your voice is heard against a Washington takeover of your family’s health care, and support real health care choices for every American.

**Bring your family and friends out to the Patients First Tour in Denver and Colorado Springs. We’ll have free food and free t-shirts for the family and top-notch speakers including patients, physicians, Jeff Crank, AFP Colorado State Director and Jon Caldara, President of the Independence Institute.

What: Patients First Tour – DENVER
Where: Colorado State Capitol, West front, 200 E. Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO
When: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Click Here to Register.

What: Patients First Tour – COLORADO SPRINGS
Where: Acacia Park, 115 E. Platte Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO
When: Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Click Here to Register.

For many in D.C., cutting costs means cutting care – your care. Join Patients First and let Washington know that one-size-fits-all government plan doesn’t fit all because patients have different needs.

I'll be at the Denver rally. If you're in the area, please join me. There are many other Patients First bus tour stops and related events around the country. Check the AFP bus tour map and event calendar for an event near you. While you're at the Patients First site, don't forget to sign the petition.

If you still believe the Democrats' health care plan is about choice, and that you'll be able to keep your current insurance, watch this:

[YouTube link]

And check out this amusing and informative little video from the Independence Institute:

[YouTube link]

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One Response to “Patients First health care rallies”

  1. Hathor said

    Please inform me how they intend to do that. No insurance companies? There will always be someone between you and health care unless you are rich and extremely healthy. Doctosr too, can deny service, especially when you get old.

    Aren’t you close to the big six o?

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