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Posted by Richard on July 4, 2008

From the "Rush In a Hurry" email update about today's Rush Limbaugh show:

The left seeks to redefine patriotism as ripping America, compulsory national service, and paying the confiscatory tax rates Democrats pile on us. The USSR had patriotism, too. Every country does. Patriotism in America is more than loving a geographic area. It's about loving the ideals of the Founders. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)
» Reuters: Obama Issues New Call for National Service
» Ayn Rand Center: Reject Citizen Service – Your Life is Your Own

Jason Lewis Pearl of Wisdom: "These troops are not fighting on July 4th for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. They are fighting for freedom."

The left sneers at the idea of American exceptionalism. But America is special. Unlike other nations, it's not based on geography, race, culture, or accidents of history. It's based on a set of ideas.

Saying that you love America while you work to fundamentally change it and discard the ideas on which it was founded is completely bogus. To really love America, you must love those ideas. That's true American patriotism. 

More patriotic stuff tomorrow.  

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