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PETA murders, dumps animals

Posted by Richard on June 19, 2005

Right-Thinking from the Left Coast pointed out an AP story about PETA employees charged with animal cruelty after dumping dead dogs and cats in dumpster. From a more complete version than the one Right-Thinking linked:

Two employees of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have been charged with animal cruelty after dumping dead dogs and cats in a shopping center garbage bin, police said Thursday.

Investigators staked out the bin after discovering that dead animals had been dumped there every Wednesday for the past four weeks, Ahoskie police said in a prepared statement.

PETA president Ingrid Newkirk once famously claimed that "a boy is a dog is a pig is a rat," so by her professed ethical standard, this is a case of mass murder. Newkirk and PETA apparently were complicit; she claimed that everyone knew the animals were being picked up to be euthanized. But veterinarians from whom the animals were picked up shortly before being killed contradicted her claim:

Shelter officials knew some of the animals, which are not always “cute, cuddly, housebroken or small,” would need to be put down, Newkirk said.

Among the dead animals, though, authorities found a female cat and her two “very adoptable” kittens taken from Ahoskie Animal Hospital, veterinarian Patrick Proctor said.

“These were just kittens we were trying to find homes for,” Proctor said. “PETA said they would do that, but these cats never made it out of the county.”

“PETA will never pick up another animal from my practice,” Proctor said.

PETA had taken 50 animals to be adopted from Proctor’s practice over the past two years, he said. PETA has also taken animals from veterinarian James Brown in Northampton County for about a year, Brown said.

“When they started taking them, they said they would try to find homes for them,” Brown said. “Nobody ever checked on them” after the animals were taken.

This is nothing new, according to the site Peta kills animals, which notes that (emphasis added):

PETA kills 85 percent of the animals it takes in, and finds adoptive homes for just 14 percent. By contrast, the Norfolk SPCA, whose shelter is located less than 4 miles from PETA’s headquarters, found adoptive homes for 73 percent of its animals in 2003. … Dana Cheek, the former (and most recent) director of the Norfolk SPCA, wrote to us recently:

I often receive phone calls from frantic people who have surrendered their pets to PETA with the understanding that PETA will "find them a good home." Many of them are led to believe that the animals will be taken to a nearby shelter. Little do they know that the pets are killed in the PETA van before they even pull away from the pet owner’s home … PETA refuses to surrender animals they obtain to area shelters for rehoming. If only the celebrity "deep-pocket" donors on the west coast knew that their donations were going to kill adoptable cats and dogs here in Norfolk.

PETA talks a good game about caring for animals, but seems uninterested in saving the only creatures it actually has contact with.

PETA’s two-faced attitude reminds me of many rich liberals I’ve known — they profess love of humanity and concern for working people, but they treat the actual working people they encounter — servers, sales clerks, etc. — like dirt.

In any case, if you want to help dogs and cats, find a reputable local organization that you can check up on and become involved with. Here in the Denver area, I’m a big fan and supporter of Cat Care Society. They have a wonderful shelter run by really great people. Pay them a visit — online or in person. The latter is better because you can get some loving from the cats.

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