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Pizza for the troops

Posted by Richard on August 4, 2006

Three weeks ago, after Hezbollah began its current assault against Israel, I sent a message supporting Israel to the White House, signed a letter to Kofi Annan from the ADL, and:

I’ve made a donation to Magen David Adom — the Red Star of David, Israel’s counterpart to the Red Cross.

Please join me in any or all of these modest steps. Israel is fighting not just for its own people — it’s fighting for Western Civilization against the forces of darkness and barbarism. Decent, civilized people everywhere must stand by Israel.

Now, with Hezbollah striking harder and deeper than ever (over 200 rockets hit Israel today), I wanted to make another donation to MDA, and maybe something more. Sunday, I’ll be attending the Rally for Israel and America’s War Against Terror at the capitol in Denver. But meanwhile, thanks to Yoni the Blogger, I’ve found a fun litlle gesture of support I can make: I just sent pizza and soda to a section of Israeli Defense Forces soldiers.

Damn, that feels good! 🙂

Send a pizza to Israeli soldiers


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3 Responses to “Pizza for the troops”

  1. Anonymous said

    Thanks for the pizza information. I just sent two and some soda. It is good to see another Combs with a strong voice and righteous fire in his heart.

  2. Jan from Denver said

    Mmmm…pizza. Just sent one.

  3. Jan from Denver said

    Also, just checked out Major Mike. Love the blog name!

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