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Posts Tagged ‘pizza’

Happy Pi Day!

Posted by Richard on March 14, 2019

Well, Pi Approximation Day. A better Pi Approximation Day, if you use the more sensible day/month notation instead of the American month/day, is the 22nd of July (22/7).

But any excuse to eat pie, right? I’m going to have my favorite kind of pie, pizza, at 1:59, the Pi Minute.

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Steal a sign, get a pizza

Posted by Richard on October 22, 2008

Some lefty restaurateur in Michigan is rewarding anti-McCain hooliganism:

Break the law, get a pepperoni and cheese

Bring in a McCain/Palin sign and Salvatore’s Pizzeria, in Warren, Michigan will exchange it for a free pizza.

It seems owner, Diana Franzoni, is miffed that the McCain campaign pulled its resources out of Michigan. She is quoted as saying, “Health care is killing us. McCain gave up on Michigan, so you should give up on him.”

FOX 2’s Brad Edwards explains how that offer may have prompted some hungry bargain hunters to break the law. He reports that Franzoni estimates that since she put the bounty on the signs, she is receiving about 30 pilfered signs a day for at least the last couple of weeks, which equals 100‘s of filched signs — and pizzas.

What's next — key a McCain car, get a calzone?

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World Heart Day

Posted by Richard on September 25, 2006

Today was World Heart Day, and I missed all the festivities. It’s intended to promote awareness of heart disease and its prevention. The World Heart Federation sponsors the annual world-wide event:

World Heart Day is run by the World Heart Federation’s member organizations in more than 100 countries. Activities on the day include health checks, walks, runs, jump rope, fitness sessions, public talks, stage shows, scientific forums, exhibitions, concerts and sports tournaments. Last year in Singapore for example, a World Heart Day heart fair attracted over 60,000 participants who took part in health screenings, aerobics classes, health quizzes, exhibits, school performances, nutritional counselling and food sampling. Similar events will be taking place this year asking participants: "How Young is Your Heart?"

The "How Young Is Your Heart?" theme encouraged people to think about how their lifestyle choices affect the effective "age" of their heart and their heart health. According to the World Health Federation, the three major risk factors — physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, and tobacco use — account for 80% of heart disease and stroke.

Personally, I’m doing OK on two out of three. I’m still an ex-smoker (closing in on two years), and I’ve been walking pretty regularly. Diet — well, that could be better. But I take about 3 dozen nutritional supplements a day to counteract some of the harm from my diet — and from 40 years of smoking.

In honor of World Heart Day, today I ran a 10k, ate an arugula salad with fat-free dressing for dinner, and then worked out on the rowing machine.

Just kidding!

Actually, I cleaned out the garage, ate a pizza, and hit the recliner to watch the Broncos spank the Patriots. Again! We’ve got your number, Brady!

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Pizza for the troops

Posted by Richard on August 4, 2006

Three weeks ago, after Hezbollah began its current assault against Israel, I sent a message supporting Israel to the White House, signed a letter to Kofi Annan from the ADL, and:

I’ve made a donation to Magen David Adom — the Red Star of David, Israel’s counterpart to the Red Cross.

Please join me in any or all of these modest steps. Israel is fighting not just for its own people — it’s fighting for Western Civilization against the forces of darkness and barbarism. Decent, civilized people everywhere must stand by Israel.

Now, with Hezbollah striking harder and deeper than ever (over 200 rockets hit Israel today), I wanted to make another donation to MDA, and maybe something more. Sunday, I’ll be attending the Rally for Israel and America’s War Against Terror at the capitol in Denver. But meanwhile, thanks to Yoni the Blogger, I’ve found a fun litlle gesture of support I can make: I just sent pizza and soda to a section of Israeli Defense Forces soldiers.

Damn, that feels good! 🙂

Send a pizza to Israeli soldiers


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