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Radical Islam

Posted by Richard on February 4, 2007

Warm up your TV or program your VCR, DVR, or Tivo. A new special report — Radical Islam: Terror in Its Own Words — is being aired on Fox News tonight and again tomorrow, and it’s must-see TV:

Saturday, February 3 at 9 p.m. ET
Sunday, February 4 at 4 p.m ET
Hosted by E.D. Hill

The warning is loud and clear: radical Islam wants to kill you.

But don’t take our word for it. In this FOX News investigation, E.D. Hill exposes the evil aims of radical Islam — in its own words.

Muslim clerics vowing to slaughter Americans and destroy the United States.

School children brainwashed to kill.

Mothers who rejoice at the news that their sons and daughters have blown themselves up in suicide attacks.

And an Islamic media that glorifies mass murder and cheers on terrorists.

It’s an hour every American must see.

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2 Responses to “Radical Islam”

  1. ShilohCane said

    As the show opened with a hundred of thousand Arabs yelling ” Death to America ” and showing 3-6 year old kids saying they wanted to grow up to become suicide bombers and kill Americans and Jews. Mother praising & happy their children that have become Suicided bombers and saying they wish more of their children became Suicide Bombers and kill Americans and Jews. Cleric’s saying it’s the right thing to do you raise your children to become Suicide Bombers and kill Americans and Jews. Film clips of IED’s blowing up Americans in Iraq to recruit more Suicided bombers to join the Jihad to kill the infidels and fly a Islamic flag over the White House in Washington DC.

    Is ever stinking Democrats just Stupid or think these Islamic Terrorist don’t have the ability to strike us in the USA. If we can smuggle drugs in the tons into this country how hard is it to smuggle in Plastic Explosives from Iran. When are the useless liberals going to realize these people intend to kill us.

  2. Anonymous said

    The little kids really were chilling. I’d seen similar scenes in Obsession, but each one I see is more disturbing than the last. And the mothers looking forward to their kids’ death. What a horribly, horribly sick culture!

    I don’t know what it will take to wake up the people who are in denial about the threat — something bigger than 9/11, I suppose. You’d think watching people jump from 100-story buildings would be enough, wouldn’t you?

    Thanks for dropping by, ShiloCane!

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