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Winter of our discontent, episode seven

Posted by Richard on February 2, 2007

Why, yes, we do have another snowstorm in Denver. In fact, it’s 13° and snowing to beat the band. Last week, our regularly scheduled Friday snow didn’t arrive until Saturday. This week, Old Man Winter decided to compensate by bringing it on early. In plenty of time for today’s evening rush hour.

Why, yes, it was slow going. My usual 25-35 minute afternoon commute took over an hour and a half. In first gear for the last 10 or 12 miles. I’m seriously thinking of having a couple or three hot buttered rums for dinner.

Boat drinks. Boys in the band ordered boat drinks.
Visitors just scored on the home rink.
Everything seems to be wrong.

Lately, newspaper mentioned cheap airfare.
I’ve got to fly to Saint Somewhere.
I’m close to bodily harm.

UPDATE: Got just another couple of inches overnight, but the arctic air arrived. The low set a record for the date: -18° F., with a wind chill of -37°. By the time I headed for work, the air temperature had risen to -11° (-25° wind chill).

Boat drinks.
Waitress, I need two more boat drinks.
Then I’m headin south ‘fore my dream shrinks.
I gotta where it’s warm.


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One Response to “Winter of our discontent, episode seven”

  1. Jan from Denver said

    My 20 year old Toyota started up like a trooper!

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