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Rick Wilson’s possibly prescient Ebola story

Posted by Richard on October 15, 2014

Three months ago, Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) posted a series of tweets about what might happen if someone who unknowingly has Ebola flies to the United States. Given the news of the past few days, I thought it was a good time to recall Rick’s “thought experiment,” which Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) had wisely storified. Read it. Then pour yourself a nice stiff drink.

No, wait … pour yourself that stiff drink now. This will take a while, and you may need it.

Note: If you prefer scrolling to clicking through a slideshow, you can read it at

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One Response to “Rick Wilson’s possibly prescient Ebola story”

  1. Rick Shultz said

    Well….that’s scary as all hell. I can’t drink because of the diabetes, the blood pressure and a couple of meds I take but if I COULD drink, I’d sure as hell be having one or two.

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