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Rooting for the Saints

Posted by Richard on January 20, 2007

Craig Ferguson’s monologue tonight was all about how he’s become a big NFL football fan. He said that this year, he’s rooting for the New Orleans Saints. How could you not root for the Saints, he opined, after all that city’s been through?

And besides, "Last year, they were 3 and 13. This year, they’re knocking on the door of the Super Bowl. It just shows goes to show how fast you can rebuild when FEMA’s not in charge." <rimshot />

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2 Responses to “Rooting for the Saints”

  1. Deb said

    I agree with him about the Saints.

    I just wish there had been a real rimshot.

    Craig deserves it!

  2. Anonymous said

    Too bad about the Saints, Deb — but really, it’s the NFC, so who cares? 😉

    Now, that Pats-Colts game was just awesome! And as a Tennessee alum, I was delighted to see Peyton Manning get the playoff monkey off his back.

    Go, horsies! Go, AFC!

    It’s not un-PC to root for the light-skinned black coach over the dark-skinned black coach, is it?

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