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Sauce for the gander in New Jersey

Posted by Richard on January 6, 2012

About 350 New Jersey school board members are being forced to resign because they haven’t complied with a new law requiring them to undergo a background check:

The background check requirement was passed by the state legislature last year and is the only one of its kind in the country, according to the newspaper.

It requires board members to be measured by the same standards they use in hiring teachers, including undergoing a criminal background investigation.

Same rules for everybody — sounds fair to me. Hey, it’s for the children, right?

It’s a bit excessive and silly, however, that failure to comply with the law can result in jail time.

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2 Responses to “Sauce for the gander in New Jersey”

  1. Rick Shultz said

    I guess I will innaugurate the comments on the new site so you can check things out and see if they work right. “Excessive and silly” fits this situation perfectly, no argument there. But then, excessive and silly has defined this governement since 1861 when the Father of
    “excessive and silly” was elected, so not not much new there, but it’s refreshing and necessary that as many people as possible point it out as OFTEN as possible. Welcome back.

  2. Jan said

    If they would rather resign than undergo a background check, they are probably hiding something. Trust me on this. If I was in the position to hire employees, I would require a background check. And for goodness’ sake, it’s New Jersey!

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