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Shiver me timbers, it’s TLAPD!

Posted by Richard on September 19, 2008

Avast, me hearties, it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day! According to Cap'n Slappy and Ol' Chumbucket, the fact that it falls on a Friday this year is excuse enough to make this Talk Like a Pirate Weekend!

In the seven years since Dave Barry mentioned us in his nationally syndicated newspaper column, what once was a goofy idea celebrated by a handful of friends has turned into an international phenomenon that shows no sign of letting up. Maybe you read about us on line.. Maybe you caught one of our radio or TV interviews. Or maybe you just stumbled on to our site while googling around for sites your mother probably wouldn't approve of. Or perhaps you're one of the millions of people from South Africa to the South Pole, from New York to the Pacific Northwest, who've made it your own personal excuse to party like pirates every September 19th (and sometimes for days after)!

So talk funny, engage in some silliness, and drink plenty of grog today — and maybe all weekend. Or is that what you do every weekend?

Q: According to pirates, who's the all-time best quarterback? 

A: Barrrt Starrr.

Talk Like a Pirate Day

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