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Site alert: weirdness imminent

Posted by Richard on March 7, 2007

Here’s a heads-up for regular readers: On Wednesday, from 9:00-11:00 AM GMT (2-4 AM MST), Blog-City will be shut down for the upgrade to version 6.0. They’re describing this as "a MAJOR upgrade," so don’t be surprised if the outage lasts longer or if there is residual weirdness afterward.

Combs Spouts Off faces an additional potential problem: Blog-City version 5 introduced new ways of laying out pages, adding bits and pieces, etc., based on what they call "widgets." But they let existing users stick with their existing setups (based on similar but different tools called "portlets"). I’m of the "it ain’t broke, don’t fix it" persuasion, and I found the instructions for converting to the new system a bit less than intuitive. Plus, I was put off by the apparent need to "take the plunge" and convert the actual live site without being able to preview the consequences first. So I did nothing.

Well, now push has come to shove. My old blog layout is no longer supported in v.6. In the next few hours, I’ll either have to undertake the conversion I’ve so far avoided, or let them convert me automatically when they upgrade. They’ve warned us that the automatic conversion will result in "a basic predefined layout" — which I interpret as meaning "it won’t be pretty."

I’m still thinking about it. Stay tuned.

UPDATE: OK, I bit the bullet. And I’ve been futzing with it for what seems forever. I don’t like it. Expect more changes. Later.

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