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SNL: CNN is “in the tank” for Obama

Posted by Richard on February 24, 2008

If you missed the Feb. 23 return of Saturday Night Live, you missed one of the best opening sketches they've had in years. It parodied the latest CNN debate between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. In the SNL version, the CNN personnel made it abundantly clear that they're "totally in the tank" for Obama, and it was hilarious. The first question posed to Obama was, "Is there anything we can get you?" The follow-up question was, "Are you sure?"

NBC is stupidly forcing YouTube to pull all posts of the video as copyright violations. Have these people never heard of viral marketing?? The broad dissemination of this 9-minute sketch would do more to build SNL's audience than all their on-air promos. What morons.

Anyway, here's the last 2:51, courtesy of the NBC's SNL video page:

UPDATE: For some bizarre reason, audio seems to work only in Internet Explorer (at least for me) — sorry. Take it up with NBC


If you know of a source for the whole thing or a transcript of it, please post it in the comments. 

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4 Responses to “SNL: CNN is “in the tank” for Obama”

  1. RedPencil said

    link via Noel Sheppard

    It looks like it’s there… for now…

  2. rgcombs said

    And now it’s gone. But thanks for trying!

  3. J.D. said

    I was irritated at first that NBC pulled their videos from YouTube, but they show them all for free on their website, so it’s not that big a deal.

  4. Mark Anderson said


    Contact: Mark A. Anderson

    Controversial book questions the impact of the news media on the outcome of the 2008 elections.

    Little Rock, AR—November 15, 2009—On the anniversary of the 2008 General Election, Mark A. Anderson releases a controversial and thought provoking book titled, In the Tank—A Bound Blog: How the Media Political Machine Used Conveyance of Toxic Information to Become the Latest Political Force to be Reckoned With. In his premier title, Anderson takes a critical and in- depth look at the questionable tactics used by the most prominent of the American news media to both openly support as well as hinder candidates involved in the race to become the nation’s 44th President.

    Political junkies, pundits, and scholars alike will enjoy the compelling arguments and points of discussion raised as Mark shares his personal blog posts, citing brazen bias and extreme irregularities in the manner of media coverage administered to candidates during the height of the 2008 primaries and leading up to the general election.

    Anderson declares, “By actively engaging in a clandestine campaign to put a drag on and derail the campaigns of several of the ’08 election season’s top candidates…..the news media freely exercised a power and authority over the election process never before witnessed by the nation’s citizens.” Anderson provides numerous indisputable cases of blatant bias against some presidential candidates, and unabashed favor for others to the point that a significant effect on outcome of several primary elections and perhaps even the general election itself cannot be denied.

    In the Tank—A Bound Blog, confronts the reality of a rogue media that has traveled far from its original and charted course and threatens the very foundation of a government of and for the people. “The uninhibited audacity that the most prominent agents and organizations within the news media community displayed while openly campaigning for and against candidates and their campaigns….reflected the determination of a once trustworthy pillar of this society to wrestle the reins from the hands of the people and exercise supreme authority over our country’s national election process,” Anderson contends. The book is written like a running blog with thoughtful essays throughout that expound upon the most critical points of this contribution to the analysis of the democratic election process. The purpose of the book is to promote the sustainment of independent thought and freedom as well as to expose the dishonorable actions of the nation’s news media during the most recent presidential election.

    MARK A. ANDERSON is a native of Central Arkansas, and currently resides in Oklahoma. He earned both a Bachelors and Masters Degree in history and political science respectively. He is a commissioned officer in the United States Armed Forces who served faithfully in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He is the recipient of both the Bronze Star Service and Joint Service Commendation Medals for his wartime service.

    In the Tank—A Bound Blog is currently available for sale in perfect bound soft cover format for $16.95 at . The book is also available with worldwide distribution through Barnes and ( and

    For more information, contact Mark Anderson at or .

    # # #

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