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Sore winner

Posted by Richard on November 7, 2010

Did you see Senator-elect Marco Rubio's victory speech? He hit every note just right, didn't he? He was gracious to his opponents, positive, uplifting, and quite moving. If you haven't watched it, please do.

After you've seen Rubio, it's time to compare and contrast. Here's Rep. Barney Frank's victory speech. Ungracious doesn't begin to describe it.

[YouTube link]

My favorite moment? About 4:25 into this bitter diatribe, Frank claims his win is "a victory for a concept of government which eschews the anger and the vitriol" — that pegged my irony meter.

After watching that, maybe you're ready for something lighter. How about Paul Shanklin's "Banking Queen"? Enjoy!

[YouTube link]

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