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Steyn on the CIA

Posted by Richard on April 12, 2005

Instapundit has a funny quote from the latest Mark Steyn column (speaking of people who can turn a phrase!). Steyn tears the CIA a new one. Here’s my favorite:

Even before the latest budget-bloating ”reforms,” the U.S. government was spending $30 billion annually on intelligence, and in return its intelligence agencies got everything wrong. British and French intelligence also get a lot of things wrong, but they get them wrong on far smaller budgets.

And then:

What’s startling about the glimpses we get of CIA operations — that red-hot presidential briefing from August 2001, Joseph C. Wilson IV’s non-fact-finding mission to Niger — is how generalized it all is: Anybody who watches cable news or reads an occasional foreign paper would know as much.

As they say, read the whole thing. And drop by Instapundit, too — I’m sure Glenn would appreciate the traffic spike. 🙂

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