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Posted by Richard on April 13, 2005

Well, I finally transferred the accumulated pictures from my CF card to the PC, and they include a few shots of Sunday’s "2005 blizzard," as the Denver media have christened it.

Out on the eastern plains, it was a real blizzard. But here in Denver, it was just a heavy, wet snowstorm with moderate winds (~25 mph). The total accumulation was about 12-15 inches in my part of town.

Here’s my deck:

Here’s my Pathfinder in front of the house (it’s still snowing hard at this point):

But, really, it was no big deal. A measly foot of snow. Barely over the top of my Sorels.

You want a real blizzard? Here’s my Pathfinder after the 2003 blizzard:

UPDATE: Yes, the white mound in front of the Pathfinder contains the same red Nissan sedan that you see in front of it in the 2005 photo.

And here’s a yardstick stuck into my front yard after the 2003 blizzard:

Now that was some serious snow!

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