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Posts Tagged ‘comics’

Awesome political commentary

Posted by Richard on January 10, 2015

Today’s Mallard Fillmore comic strip caricatures the Republican leadership almost perfectly. But check it out at Billlls Idle Mind; he points out the one small flaw. *snicker*

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Warren’s best cartoons of 2009

Posted by Richard on December 31, 2009 has posted the best William Warren cartoons of the year. I especially liked the take-off on the MasterCard ads. Enjoy!

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Good parenting

Posted by Richard on May 16, 2006

I hereby nominate the Friday, May 12, Baby Blues strip for Comic Strip of the Year. It’s a spot-on perfect comparison of good parenting then and now. Check it out — I know you’ll like it.

(Copying the strip here appears to be prohibited by King Features Syndicate. The link I’ve provided should be good through May; after that, I suspect you’ll have to subscribe to their Daily Ink service in order to access the King Features Syndicate archives.)

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