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Posts Tagged ‘google’

Kanye give West a Chance to be free?

Posted by Richard on April 27, 2018

I’m told that there’s no truth to the rumor that Steny Hoyer is going to introduce a bill called the “Fugitive Negro Act” to ensure that runaways like Kanye West and Chance the Rapper are returned to the Democratic Plantation and “re-educated.”

The Democratic leadership apparently considered and rejected the idea after realizing that the Party of Lincoln would never allow it to pass.

Wasn’t it Kanye who rapped “Free at last, free at last. Up yours, mo-fos, I’m free at last!”?

The editors at The Weekly Standard had some interesting thoughts about this matter. But to find that, you have to go through six pages of Google search results (search string: kanye west trump) without a single link to a non-left-of-center site.

I guess sites like Red State, Fox News, The Daily CallerReasonNational ReviewTownhall, The Washington TimesWashington ExaminerThe Blaze, Power Line, et al, just didn’t have anything to say about Kanye’s apostasy that the entirely objective Google algorithms deemed worthy of sharing with Google’s product… I mean users.

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For some reason, Google likes me

Posted by Richard on May 23, 2008

I don't spend a lot of time looking at my site stats, but I know I get a lot of hits from Google searches. Occasionally, I take a quick look and see if there are any interesting ones, and I've always been pleasantly surprised by my Google rankings. But tonight, I spotted one that really blew me away.

A visitor arrived via a Google search for one of the most memorable quotes of the last several decades: "Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" Out of curiosity, I clicked the referring Google link. I was astonished. My post commemorating the 20th anniversary of Reagan's Brandenburg Gate speech is ranked number 5 — after,,, and

Wow. It's hard to believe I deserve that high a ranking, but thank you, Google!

(BTW, if you're old enough to remember the Soviet bloc, go read the speech excerpt I posted and refresh your memory. See if it doesn't bring tears to your eyes. You youngsters too — if you know even a bit about the geopolitical situation at the time, I think you'll appreciate what a remarkable and significant speech that was. Pay attention especially to the part about "the practical importance of liberty." Damn, I miss Reagan.)

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