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Posts Tagged ‘hickenlooper’

Gov. Hickenlooper lied about Bloomberg connection

Posted by Richard on July 11, 2013

Back during the Colorado legislative session, when the Socialist Democrats were ramming through a series of gun control measures, a KDVR-TV Fox 31 reporter asked Gov. Hickenlooper about allegations that New York Mayor Michael “let’s hear it for the nanny state” Bloomberg was involved. Hickenlooper pooh-poohed the notion, and that was the end of the story.

A while ago (and I just noticed), the Independence Institute’s Todd Shepherd did the investigative work that KDVR and other Denver news outlets couldn’t be bothered to do (or chose not to do for reasons best explained by them). It turns out that (1) Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (which should be more honestly named Mayors Against All Guns Except Those Carried by Our Bodyguards) had several registered lobbyists at the Colorado State Capitol pushing those bills, and (2) Mayor Bloomberg called Gov. Hickenlooper at least twice during that time.

I like the comment posted at the story about this by Lemur!:

In other news, local man actually surprised by this information…….

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