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Neil Peart, R.I.P.

Posted by Richard on January 10, 2020

It saddens me greatly to learn that Rush drummer and lyricist Neil Peart has succumbed to brain cancer at the much too young age of 67. He was one of the best ever and a fine human being. If you’re a Rush fan, I’m sure you feel the same way. He will be sorely missed.

I agree 100% with Jonathan Adler about the award-winning film “Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage.” It’s wonderful, and rewarding viewing for Rush fans and non-fans alike.

Thank you, Neil, for the wonderful music and memories.

Dave Grohl:

Grohl on Peart

UPDATE: I just finished watching a documentary I hadn’t seen before, “Rush: 2112 and Moving Pictures.” It’s available for free on Amazon Prime Video, and I highly recommend it as well. It traces the band’s history with a primary focus on the two albums that are arguably their most important and enduring, and includes some fascinating commentary by the band and others regarding the music on those albums.

The song “Limelight” (from Moving Pictures) is Neil’s effort to come to terms with the positive and negative effects of celebrity. Regarding that, he uttered (with a laugh) this memorable quote: “I didn’t want to be famous, I wanted to be good.”

You were, Neil. You were the best.

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