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Posts Tagged ‘state department’

Mind-boggling self-assessment at the State Department

Posted by Richard on December 29, 2015

Yes, John Effin’ Kerry has replaced Hillary as Secretary of State, but you can’t tell from the State Department’s year-in-review. It’s just so … Clintonesque. Reason Hit & Run has details:

Ahh, Syria circa 2015: an idyllic land of peace, prosperity, and security… said no one ever. Well, except for the U.S. State Department, which counts “bringing peace [and] security to Syria” among its top 2015 accomplishments. In a year-in-review post on the department’s official blog, it also takes credit for “step[ping] up to to aid the Syrian people during their time of need” and developing a plan for “political transition” that “is responsive to the needs of the Syrian people.”

… Other things the department sees fit to brag about as top 2015 accomplishments include “winning [the] fight against violent extremists,” by which it means holding a conference with that title; Secretary of State John Kerry assuming a two-year chairmanship of the Arctic Council; and making a pie-in-the-sky pact with other nations to “end poverty” and “ensure prosperity for all.”

On second thought, it could fairly be called Kerryesque. Clintonesque and Kerryesque are very different stylistically, but actually have a lot in common. Mendacity, self-aggrandizement, …

On third thought, the State Department has been a cesspool for many years, so neither Clinton nor Kerry is entirely responsible for this latest bit of bushwah.

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