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Tea Party Express II

Posted by Richard on October 1, 2009

They haven't quit in Washington. They're still working hard to come up with a government-controlled health care plan, to enact a crippling cap-and-tax energy bill, to regulate and control ever more of our economic activities, and to make more and more Americans beholden to the government and controlled by the government.

Well, we in "flyover country" haven't quit either. The tea party movement is alive, well, and growing. Just look at the recent polling data showing support for health care reform continues to drop, Americans are increasingly skeptical about what Congress is doing, and nearly two-thirds are angry about the current policies of the federal government

Our Country Deserves Better has announced the next vehicle for Americans to express their disapproval of the current administration's ongoing efforts to turn the U.S. into a socialist banana republic. Tea Party Express II is another cross-country bus tour with rallies scheduled in nearly three dozen locations (including Denver!): 

All throughout the recent Tea Party Express national tour we kept receiving emails and phone calls from people around the nation who lived far away from the route our buses took across America.  We vowed at the time to keep the Tea Party Express effort alive – and that’s exactly what we are doing.

It is our pleasure to announce the “Tea Party Express: Countdown to Judgment Day” which will cross the nation from coast-to-coast, border-to-border October 25th – November 11th — 1 year ahead of the November 2010 congressional elections… or as our Czarina of the tea party movement, Amy Kremer, likes to refer to as “Judgment Day.”  The Tea Party Express will kick-off the tour with a rally in San Diego, California on October 25th and wind up the tour with a rally in Orlando, Florida on November 11th (Veteran’s Day).  We’ve just posted the new tour map and itinerary (with the dates of rallies in each city) at our website:

This won’t just be a continuation of the tour we just completed.  We will be having a lot of special surprises and additions as we grow this effort — and continue the fight against government-run healthcare, Cap & Trade, bailouts, out-of-control deficit spending and the growth in the size and intrusiveness of government.

Check out the route map and rally schedule here. And if there's a stop near you, get your ass out there! 

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