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The Ahm-a-doin-a-jihad visit

Posted by Richard on September 20, 2007

If there were any justice in the world, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahm-a-doin-a-jihad's visit to the U.N. would culminate in his being taken hostage by a group of Jewish NYU students and held for a year or so, so he could see how it feels. It certainly wouldn't include:

  • a visit to Ground Zero (by the world's foremost state sponsor of terrorism).
  • a speech at Columbia University (liberal academics apparently find the presence of Larry Summers intolerable, but are ready to warmly welcome a Holocaust denier who promises to wipe Israel off the map and is responsible for hundreds of American deaths).

At least there are people who are outraged. Demonstrations are planned. Michelle Malkin and Pamela Geller have lots of info and links (check their home pages, too, for newer posts). If you're in the NYC area, I urge you to help make this POS feel unwelcome.

UPDATE: I suppose that at this point in time, it's entirely unsurprising that Liberal Bloggers Defend Ahmadinejad Visit To Ground Zero

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