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The catastrophe in New Orleans

Posted by Richard on August 31, 2005

Initially, observers thought New Orleans had dodged a bullet, but apparently, that’s not true. According to the latest reports, at least two levees protecting the city have been breached. That means that — unless the Army Corps of Engineers and their supporting forces can plug the levees under daunting circumstances — the entire city, which is below sea level, is going to fill with water.

In most of the city, the depth will be 20+ feet. In the historic French Quarter, the water will range from 0 to 20 feet. 

My heart goes out to the victims of this horrendous tragedy. At the same time, I wish I could blow away the scum who are using this tragedy as an excuse to loot every store in their neighborhood. If I were a shopkeeper in New Orleans, I think I’d be sitting on the roof of my store with a rifle and targeting everyone trying to target me.

I’m concerned about my fellow Life, Liberty, Property blogger, Kevin Boyd (Louisiana Libertarian). I only ‘cyber-know’ him, but he’s from a northern suburb of New Orleans. He hasn’t posted since Saturday, and I hope that’s only because he’s resting safely in a motel a few hundred miles north.

Meanwhile, if you want to help, visit your local Wal-Mart or Sam’s Club. Wal-Mart is donating $1 million dollars to the Salvation Army for relief efforts and is facilitating donations at all its locations and at Wal-Mart online to either the Salvation Army or the Red Cross.

I strongly suggest you donate to the Salvation Army (or some third alternative). I’m not too fond of the Red Cross since I found out that they gladly partnered with an Arab affiliate (the Red Crescent), but refused to associate with the Israeli equivalent (the Red Star of David) because it’s "too controversial" to offer emergency aid to Jews.

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